We are entirely run by volunteers, and we literally wouldn’t exist unless a lot of amazing people hadn’t put in a lot of time, energy, and commitment.

We do a volunteer intake roughly every 6 months, and you can find out more about the skills we are looking for, and how to sign up below.

Volunteer With Us

Join the Kin Kitchen Board

We are currently recruiting for new board members, and are looking particularly for individuals with fundraising experience to help take the project to the next stage. You can find an application pack and overview of the Kin Kitchen board below.

The Kin Kitchen Board is in a very strong place, with a clear strategy for the next three years, and a solid, dedicated team who are passionate about the project and have a plethora of skills to supporting the healthy growth of it. We meet every month for a meal together and a board meeting (1st Tuesday of the month). Being part of the board means being part of the Kin Kitchen community, which is a very welcoming, passionate and vibrant thing to be part of.

Deadline for new board applications is Sunday 3rd March.

Feel free to get in touch with Jess, the project manager, for an informal chat about the opportunity at kinkitchenglasgow@gmail.com.